1. Neil Patrick Harris
neil is one of the hottest guys ive seen and the fact hes gay makes him ten times hotter.
When Im sad I stop being sad and start being awesome, true story. |
Its going to be ledgen wait for it ... dary. |
Im not sick im just so over flowing with awesome that some needed to get out. |
Can we get outta here its fucking boring. |
This boy can satisfy. |
Suit up. |
Aw they are such a cute couple. |
Its a brand new day and your going to die,
go ahead and laugh yeah im a funny guy. |
What up. |
Good acting being gay but making the whole world belive your a man whore. |
David+Neil=<3 |
:) |
2. Stefan Abingdon
this boy is one hot cutie, his accent dosent hurt either ;)
Whats wrong never heard a love song? |
Weve been on thin ice for a long time,
|But your cracks have shown me how you feel. |
I thought id teach myself to drive so i could take you for a ride, was going to go to the seaside, was going to spend the day outside. |
I never see you.
Youll never see me too. |
B Double o T Y three over avrage girls calling three under avrage guys. |
Im a fucking ninja. |
If see turns me down, she must be a lesbain. |
3.Adam Brody
hottie all the way
Hes very wise Ryan, he had a beard. |
Im just having an allergic reaction to the universe. |
Im here for my after school tutorial,
the art of getting it on. |
This should be great really great and not at all akward. |
Ryan I was nemo, and I just wanted to go home. |
Theres so many young tan healthy people here,.. I dont like it. |
I dont have a life remember. |
Cause I cannot imagine feeling this way about anyone else ever again. |
Hi just your friendly neighborhood seth cohen. |
4. Miles Holmwood
awesome body and his face isnt too bad ;)
Meagan- Do you ever get annoyed by your fans?
Miles-Yes im annoyed just now.
-meagan gets up-
Friends- Pat pat can i have a hug.
Do wap
Do wap |
Ive gotta date with a night elf. |
Im a cutie |
5.Ben Mckenzie
My life just dosent work without you. |
Way to salt his game, Mr. Cohen.
Seth: Dude, what did you tell her?
Ryan: I didn't tell her anything. I think the black turtleneck in August tipped her off.
Seth: Okay, I was going for stealth, and also it's slimming.
Ryan: So how long you been with him?
Marissa: Luke? Um... I don't know really.
Seth: I know. Fifth grade, when you two got your mack on during our class trip to the Museum of Tolerance. Back of the bus. Classy lady |
Kirsten: So what do you want to be, now?
Ryan: Seventeen.
Ryan: Maybe you've got the Summer flu?
Seth: Yes, it's November, but it's possible.
Ryan: Maybe you need som Anna-biotics |
6.Dave Faber
Ill turn off the lights and let you sleep just close your eyes relax and breathe. |
You were here just yesterday,
slight turn of the head,
eyes down when you said,
I guess I need my life to change. |
Its so obvious theres nothing wrong with us. |
I stare up at the stars i wonder just where you are. |
Was I always in the way.
7. Jack Barakat
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