Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Its like taking me to the highest moutain and showing me the world and saying this is what you cant have,
Lifes a bitch learn to fuck it.
Take life with a grain of salt a slice of lime and a glass of tequila.
And what hurts the most is knowing that even though your my world im not even a star in your sky.
Wasent it beautiful when you belived in everything, and everybody belived in you.
It only takes one second to do something youll regret for the rest of your life.
A friend is someone who says theyll always be there and still is.
I cant promise to fix all your  problems but i can promise you wont have to face them alone.
You dont need a certain amount of friends your only need friends your certain of.
Breaking up with a boyfriend is a million time eaiser then breaking up with a bestfriend
I  remember the first day that we saw each other,the first time my blue eyes met your beautiful brown eyes,how we both stared for what seemed an eternity. I just wanted you to know, I'll never forget the butterflies.
Maybe my heart didn't really skipa beat. Maybe the twinkle in your eye was just the sun reflecting weird. Maybe the feeling in my stomach was just not having enough for breakfast. And maybe I just thought it was love.
there is a point in life when you get tired ofchasing everyone and trying to fix everything.it is not giving up, it is finally realizing that you do not needcertain people and all of the drama and bullshit they bring to your life.
The day of graduation, I'm gonna walk out that front door with my middlefinger in the air. I'll be the one walking out with my two best friends saying"goodbye all you fake fucking bastards."
I'm so done. I am so fucking done. I'm fucking done with your bullshit liesand fake feelings. You disgust me.
Someone asked me if I knew you. A million memories immediately flashed through my head at a mile an hour. I laughed and said, "I used to."
If I had it my way? I'd slit your throat with the knife you stuck in my back.
Best friends? Fuck no. I was there for you through thick and thin. I listened to all your pointless problems that you made to be such a bigger deal than they actually were. You barely ever listened to mine. You abandoned me when I needed you. You're such a selfish bitch.
So I realized today I've never had a friend I could trust with all my problems.I keep so much of it inside me; I never talk about it cause I don't want to burdenother people with problems that aren't necessarily a big deal. Now, I don't evenbother with telling people my problems because once they realize what I've beenholding in, they'll never believe it.
Off is the general direction in which I wish you would fuck.
If nothing else, I've realized who I can count on. The friends who can read my mind & finish my sentence. Who call me in the middle of a text message, or answer my question before I ask it. Who tell me what's going on in my crazy head.
Being perfect is okay if you're Barbie, but remember, she ended up with a guy who has plastic balls.
Keep in mind that your thoughts become your actions & your actions become who you are
If someone walks out of your life, you have to let them go. Let 'em walk.
When I'm with you, there's no limits.
I'm a space-bound rocketship & your heart's the moon; & I'm aimin' right at you
The people who deserve nothing, are handed everything.
Happiness will never come to those who don't appreciate what they already have.
Every sixty seconds spent upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
dont ever look down on someone unless your helping them up
Ive been dissipointed so many times that not giving a fuck is almost a reflex.
You start beliving the lies when the truth is too much to handle.
Keep it legit dont act like your the shit.
This is what we live for.
Last years wishes are this years regrets.
It was a small mistke but sometimes thats all it takes.
You can say ive changed and i can say fuck you, you never knew me to begin with.
Its funny cause when you do something right noone rememebers but when you do something wrong nooone forgets.

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